05-05-2017 | di COOPI
400 students for the First Vocational Educational Expo
COOPI and its partners Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET League) and Al-Saraya Center organized the First Vocational Educational Expo in Jerusalem on Tuesday and Wednesday 2-3/5/2017 in Industrial Secondary School in industrial Zone - North of Jerusalem.
More than 400 students of 10th grade (16 years) coming from five schools visited the EXPO, together with students from the VTCs, and their feedback was very positive. The Director of the Directorate of Education in Jerusalem, Samir Jibril, and the Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Fadi Hidmi, paid a visit to the event, as well as representatives of the Bank of Palestine and the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ).
Moreover, three media covered the event:
- Palestine TV,
- Al-Quds newspaper,
- Panet website.
The EXPO is a part of "Promoting East Jerusalem innovation and sustainable economic development through TVET" project, funded by the European Union.
The event would to reinforce the career awareness activities carried out in the primary and secondary schools of East Jerusalem on the importance of technical-vocational training; and to create opportunities for exchange and comparison among students, training centers and the private sector to promote sustainable labor market development.