What We Do

At the frontline against poverty

COOPI works in the most vulnerable contexts, supporting communities for recovery and long-lasting development.


cosa facciamo  

Within development and emergencies.

COOPI operates in contexts of extreme poverty and socio-political or environmental vulnerability implementing the Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) approach. This gives COOPI the chance to provide sustainable and long-term responses, ensuring continuity between security, humanitarian aid and development.

Humanitarian emergencies

Thanks to the experience and the ability to find innovative solutions, COOPI responds efficiently to the urgent needs of the population. In particular, in the Middle East - torn apart by the Syrian crisis - and in the Lake Chad Region - hit by Boko Haram violence - we carry out a model of intervention that is no longer only local, but multi-country instead. This allows us to meet the needs of displaced and refugee communities in a more coordinated and timely manner.

Read up on the project in Chad

Development programs

COOPI carries out programs aimed at supporting local development through decentralized offices in Africa, Latin America and Middle East. In order to do so, it makes use of the professionalism of local and expatriate operators, of the partnership with public and private subjects, of the strong collaboration with local civil society.


COOPI is also active in the following sectors

Global Citizenship Education - Energy - Health - Migrations - Training - Business development - Governance

For a future of equality

COOPI carries out both emergency humanitarian projects and multi-year development programs adopting an integrated multi-sector approach.