What We Do

At the frontline against poverty

COOPI works in the most vulnerable contexts, supporting communities for recovery and long-lasting development.


cosa facciamo  

Within development and emergencies.

COOPI operates in contexts of extreme poverty and socio-political or environmental vulnerability implementing the Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) approach. This gives COOPI the chance to provide sustainable and long-term responses, ensuring continuity between security, humanitarian aid and development.

Humanitarian emergencies

COOPI responds to crises complying with the highest humanitarian standards and through an integrated, multi-sectoral approach. COOPI interventions address conflicts, natural and man-made hazards, socioeconomic crises and other emergencies. Our interventions prioritize safeguarding dignity and protecting vulnerable groups, whilst ensuring an inclusive and gender-sensitive response. By promoting Education in Emergencies, WASH, Food Security and Nutritional Security, we build resilience while meeting the populations’ urgent needs. Through our vast presence and a multi-country approach to complex crises, we deliver timely and coordinated aid to refugees and displaced people, addressing interconnected challenges across borders.

Development programs

COOPI supports sustainable development by working very closely with national actors and local communities, promoting ownership and participation. Development programmes in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East span from rural development, climate-smart agriculture and livelihoods, to system-strengthening in health and education, to the promotion of human rights and local civil society. COOPI expertise in both emergencies and development programmes allows the organization to link humanitarian relief to resilience-building and accompany communities in the long-term. 


COOPI is also active in the following sectors

Global Citizenship Education - Energy - Health - Migrations - Training - Business development - Governance

For a future of equality

COOPI carries out both emergency humanitarian projects and multi-year development programs adopting an integrated multi-sector approach.