Conference. Complexity, Present and Future of International Cooperation
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16-10-2023 | di COOPI

Conference. Complexity, Present and Future of International Cooperation

"Complexity in the Present and Future of International Cooperation" is the title of the international conference that COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale has organized on October 28, 2023 in Milan, to conclude the 12th edition of COOPI Meeting, the week of meetings with all of the organization's representatives abroad and the humanitarian workers of the Italian headquarter. The conference will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Sala Leonardo of Palazzo delle Stelline (Corso Magenta, 61); it is open to the public in presence and live streaming and will be simultaneously translated into English, French, Spanish, and Italian languages. 

The conference will focus on the complexities of today, particularly the "cascading crises", as defined by Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General - such as the recent health crisis, the worsening climate and economic crisis and migratory movement, along with the changing geopolitical order - which, due to their rapidity and universality, put a strain on the humanitarian system. 

In a context of global "polycrisis", where the effects of emergencies are always more than the sum of their parts, the path to development becomes even more impassable for those places where the consequences of climate change are combined to those of the ongoing conflicts. Humanitarian actors must necessarily renew their vision according to approaches that can provide adequate responses to the needs of populations, creating anticipatory strategies and projecting into the long term. 

Reflecting on the measures that an international organization can implement to adapt to the changes of the present, drawing on collective reflections or experiences already in place, and reviewing the role of international institutions within this scenario are some of the challenges of the conference. 

Program of the day:

h 9:30 Registration of participants and welcome coffee
h 10:00 Institutional greetings

  • Claudio Ceravolo, President of COOPI
  • Roberto Ridolfi, President of Link2007

h 10:15 Speakers:

  • Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, professor of Economic Policy at the University of Pavia and expert of poverty contexts in the Global South;
  • Edouard Rodier, Board member of VOICE, Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies, expert in policy dialogue with government actors and aid agencies;

  • Francesca Paltenghi, UNHCR protection associate and expert of international protection.

Moderator Antonella Tagliabue, journalist

H 12.30 Conclusions
H 12.45 Light brunch

Participation is free upon advance registration, in-person at while for live streaming, at

Download the programme and discover more about the topic.