Covid-19. Our support in RDC continues
22-06-2020 | di COOPI

Covid-19. Our support in RDC continues

RCD – The pandemic emergency implied some changes in the realization of the project “Multisectoral health, nutrition and protection response for vulnerable populations affected by the crisis in the Béni Health Zone in North Kivu” funded by the European Union Humanitarian Aid and implemented by COOPI since November 2019.

Despite the preventive measures imposed by the government such as movement and grouping’s restrictions, COOPI intervention doesn’t stop. To support affected people, COOPI staff adopted specific measures. The humanitarian staff adapted its way of working to the new situation. Training workshop are now divided into groups of 20 people maximum, psychosocial support is provided by phone while door-to-door and radio broadcasting activities replaced big awareness sessions. For those activities where presence is mandatory, the staff uses masks and respect two meters distance.

Training sessions

As part of the assistance to victims of gender-based violence, psychotherapists received kits consisting of gloves, masks and disinfectant gel to protect the beneficiaries and themselves.

Hand washing devices

COOPI included Covid-19 preventive measures in all the activities already planned. During the awareness-raising session, the staff dedicates a space to the preventive measures. Moreover, COOPI distributed leaflets with pictures and useful information, it shared a tutorial on how to produce face masks with women beneficiaries of the project and installed hand-washing devices in all structures that it manages. Finally, all partners (communities, communities’ leaders and young people) took part in training sessions on preventive measures.