DRC. Essential care to combat child malnutrition
05-07-2024 | di COOPI

DRC. Essential care to combat child malnutrition

In the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, violence perpetrated by terrorists from Uganda's Allied Democratic Forces has plagued the population for nearly a decade, forcing them to constantly move and generating extreme poverty. 5.4 million people in the eastern provinces of Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu are facing critical and extreme levels of food insecurity. To mitigate the effects of this humanitarian crisis, COOPI- Cooperazione Internazionale, with support from the United Nations Humanitarian Fund for the DRC, is engaged in the prevention and treatment of severe acute malnutrition among children.

Through medical treatment, financial support, and therapeutic foods, the COOPI team has been able to heal the children of Géorgette, Régine, and many other children with the project "Integrated Multi-Sector Emergency Assistance for Nutrition and Violence against ADF Crisis Affected People in Mambasa".

Géorgette, originally from Oicha village in North Kivu, had to move with her family, finding herself without economic resources to care for her children.

Due to continuous attacks by rebels, my family and I had to flee our home and seek refuge in Biakato. Here, however, we live in very poor conditions, sometimes lacking food and water, and worse, health care in case of illness. As a parent it is heartbreaking to see your children get sick and not have the means to treat them. When my second son started to develop abdominal bloating, cry continuously and not eat well, I took him to the health center, despite having no money. Fortunately, the doctor treated my son with therapeutic milk and medicines provided by COOPI. Today the child sleeps peacefully, eats properly and has already started playing. We were discharged from the hospital without any problems and returned to our home. On behalf of my whole family, I would like to thank COOPI for their assistance and the doctor for his hospitality." 

Régine, originally from Mambassa, also experienced an extremely difficult situation, but thanks to COOPI's intervention, she received the support she needed so that her son could recover.

I became pregnant at the age of 16 with a gold prospector who later disappeared. After giving birth, my son started getting sick. I didn't have the money to pay for health center treatment; we were already struggling to get food. Fortunately, a COOPI member suggested that I take the child to the referral health center in Mwemba, where he would be treated free of charge. After several tests, they diagnosed my son with severe acute malnutrition with complications. COOPI gave me the money to take him to the Intensive Nutritional Therapeutic Unit in Biakato, where he received intensive treatment and was given therapeutic milk. Seeing my son today eating, drinking and playing like all the other children fills me with joy. I encourage other parents to screen their children as soon as they notice an abnormality. I am determined to follow the advice on good eating practices to avoid a relapse. I sincerely thank COOPI for the assistance." 

COOPI has been active in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1977, focusing on the protection and prevention of malnutrition and promoting food security. In addition to procuring emergency nutrition for malnourished children, it provides psychosocial support and health care, raises community awareness, demonstrates culinary practices, and implements income-generating activities to improve nutrition and well-being. It also improves the quality of education and child protection.