DRC. Kavira's battle against malnutrition
06-06-2024 | di COOPI

DRC. Kavira's battle against malnutrition

In the Mambasa region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, many families are facing severe hardship due to the instability caused by the conflict. In this difficult context, COOPI is responding to urgent needs in nutrition and against gender-based violence with the support of the United Nations Humanitarian Fund for the DRC. Among the many beneficiaries there is Kavira, who has been able to overcome severe malnutrition thanks to the project.

Mambasa is plagued by ongoing violence and insecurity due to the activities of Uganda's Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels. This instability has severely affected the livelihoods of local communities, with many families struggling to access their farmland. The resulting food insecurity has exacerbated malnutrition among children, making humanitarian intervention critical.

Since September 2023, COOPI's project "Multisectoral Integrated Emergency Assistance for Nutrition and Violence Against People Affected by the ADF Crisis in Mambasa," funded by the Humanitarian Fund, has been working in the region to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable people through activities to prevent and treat severe acute malnutrition among children and by ensuring women have access to gender-based violence management services.

Stephanie tells us about the impact the project has had on the lives of her daughter and her entire family. Her daughter, Kavira, aged 2 years and 9 months, suffered from severe acute malnutrition with multiple complications, including blood loss, abdominal swelling, and edema. Although Stephanie had exhausted her savings for medicines and local remedies, Kavira's health continued to deteriorate.

Our family depended on agriculture, but because of the dangerousness it had become impractical, leaving us in extreme food insecurity and economic hardship. One day, I heard about COOPI's free health services on Radio Amkeni. Without delay, I then took Kavira to the local Health Center, where she was diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition and referred to Biakato Health Center for specialized treatment."

In Biakato, Kavira received 8 days of intensive treatment that included medication, milk and Plumpy'Nut. COOPI also covered transportation costs, provided money for food and basic necessities. In addition, Stephanie received education on infant feeding practices so as to prevent future cases of malnutrition. Kavira's health improved greatly after only three days, and by the end of the treatment the child was eating well, playing and walking again.

I have no words to express my gratitude to COOPI, because my daughter is cured and is being cared for free and with systematic support. I encourage them to continue to help us and raise awareness on the issue of malnutrition."

COOPI has been active in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1977, focusing on the protection and prevention of malnutrition and promoting food security. In addition to nutrition support activities for malnourished children, we provide psycho-social support and health care. COOPI raises awareness in communities, demonstrates culinary practices and carries out income-generating activities to improve nutrition and well-being. It also works to improve the quality of education and child protection.