DRC Women survivors of gender-based violence speak out
17-06-2024 | di COOPI

DRC Women survivors of gender-based violence speak out

Insecurity caused by armed group clashes and a shortage of basic resources causes an alarming number of cases of gender-based violence in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The atrocities suffered by women and girls have serious consequences on their mental and physical health as well as their role in society. COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale is working in the region to offer them a safe environment, medical care, and psychosocial support.

Indeed, since September 2023, COOPI is implementing the project "Integrated Multisectoral Emergency Assistance for Nutrition and Violence Against ADF Crisis Affected People in Mambasa Region", funded by the Humanitarian Fund. The project aims to improve the living conditions of people affected by the attacks of the Allied Democratic Forces of Uganda (ADF) rebels by providing essential services for women and girls, such as psychosocial, legal and socio-economic support, helping them improve their economic status, overcome the violence they have suffered and find protection.

Christine (fictitious name) was only 15 years old when she suffered a terrible sexual assault. Thanks to the counseling and support she received from the project, she was able to regain some peace:

After being attacked by three men, I thought I would never return to living a normal life. Fortunately, only a day after the incident I received support from the COOPI team, which from the very beginning provided me with psychological assistance, took me to the hospital and legally assisted me. I was also provided with every basic necessity good, along with a whistle and a flashlight for protection. Today, two of the attackers are in jail already, and I already feel much better." 

Likewise, Mwanamke, who became pregnant at 42 after being brutally raped, found some support with COOPI:

 I was really traumatized, with no strength or anyone who could financially help me. Luckily, I met COOPI, which helped me regain my strength through psychosocial care sessions, taking care of my treatment and getting me the necessary goods. Their gesture of help is unforgettable and I would like to thank the whole team for taking care of me." 

Present in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1977, COOPI is constantly engaged in protection activities, with a special focus on children and women. In this context, COOPI provides psycho-social support, free health care, educational and vocational reintegration activities, awareness sessions, and more.