02-12-2020 | di COOPI
Ecuador. Media interest in COOPI's projects
Last November, in Ecuador, several mass media such as Teleamazonas, Agencia EFE, Periodismo Público, Radio La Calle have highlighted the intersectoral assistance approach put in place by COOPI in Latin America and the Caribbean, also focusing on emergency response to COVID-19.
COOPI’s commitment has sparked great interest in all its aspects: the delivery of food and hygiene kits; financial support for the payment of rents; the improvement of health centres through the WASHFIT methodology; the strengthening of local systems for the protection of rights, counselling and accompaniment of children and adolescents in human mobility.
Emphasis was also placed on generating livelihoods for the Venezuelan and Ecuadorian population through access to seed capital: "We hope that through self-employment and integration, with the collaboration of companies, these people who are in a situation of multiple vulnerability will have access to these opportunities" said Nicola Momentè, COOPI Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean.
COOPI has been present in Ecuador since 1967 and since this year it has been involved in several humanitarian assistance and response programmes for people in human mobility, in the framework of the COVID-19 emergency, which it is implementing together with UNHCR, AVSI and UNICEF with the support of ECHO, the Government of Canada and PRM.