Iraq. From despair to attending a safe school place: Youssef's journey of transformation
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05-08-2024 | di COOPI

Iraq. From despair to attending a safe school place: Youssef's journey of transformation

Displaced by the brutal actions of ISIS, Youssef, a young boy from Iraq's Nineveh region, returned home after three years with his family, only to find themselves struggling in abject poverty. The family's dire financial situation made it difficult to afford basic necessities, including school uniforms and medical treatment for Youssef, who suffered from a chronic illness which made him a target for bullying, further isolating him from his peers. The turning point came when his family met COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale, which had in place a cash assistance intervention under the project titled " Safer schools, safer communities: Increasing access to inclusive education and protection services to create a safe environment for children affected by the Iraqi crisis in Nineveh and Salah ad Dihn”, lasting from April 2023 to September 2024. Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the project aims to ensure safe access to quality education and protection services for vulnerable displaced, refugee, and returnee populations in the districts of Al Hamdanya, Bashiqa, Mosul, Tel-Kaif, Qayyara, and Al Shirqat, by improving educational services integrated with protection and Mine Risk Education for children.

Through this project, COOPI provided cash assistance to Youssef's family, enabling them to buy appropriate clothing and school supplies, which helped Youssef regain his confidence and integrate better with his classmates. The financial aid also covered his medical treatment, significantly improving his health and allowing him to attend school regularly.

Youssef's mother expressed her deep gratitude.

I am thrilled to see my son succeed and progress. I encourage him to keep studying and have promised to support him in achieving his dreams”. 

The assistance provided by COOPI was indeed crucial in transforming Youssef's life, giving him a new sense of self-esteem and the courage to pursue his education without fear of bullying.

We are immensely grateful to COOPI for their crucial role in this positive change in Youssef's life. Our family deeply appreciates the efforts of the organization and its staff and we pray for their continued success" 

his mother concludes.

The project has broader goals beyond individual stories like Youssef's:

  • it aims to establish Explosive Ordnance Disposal-related risk protection and prevention services for at least 1,000 vulnerable minors;
  • it seeks to improve the quality of education for 5,678 students;
  • it aims to support 500 students with special educational needs;
  • it strives to strengthen school retention systems for 500 students;
  • it seeks to include 150 out-of-school minors in the formal education system.

By addressing both educational and protective needs, the project creates a safer and more inclusive environment for children affected by the Iraqi crisis.

COOPI's collaboration with the Health and Social Care Organization in Iraq (IHSCO) has been instrumental in delivering these comprehensive services. Together, they are not only meeting the immediate needs of children like Youssef but also laying the foundation for a more resilient and educated generation. This holistic approach underscores the importance of integrating educational support with protection and health services, ensuring that children have the tools they need to thrive in challenging environments.

COOPI has been present in Iraq since 2017 with emergency education activities in favour of refugees and host communities, pursuing interventions also in the areas of water and sanitation, protection, food security and economic development.