31-07-2023 | di COOPI
Jordan. Pathways to professional growth for inclusive economic development.
Amneh Qasem is 47 years old and of Syrian descent; he now lives in Jordan. Amneh took the plumbing training course, which gave him the opportunity to learn a valuable skill and build a career in a high-demand sector in Jordan. In the project "Saqel: Pathways to professional growth for inclusive economic development in the Governorates of Zarqa and Irbid" implemented by COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale with funding from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) is bringing great results.
Amneh explains:
I heard about the course through a friend who saw the ad on Facebook. I always wanted to learn something that would allow me to be more self-sufficient. I enrolled and, to my surprise, it was much more interesting than I expected, and I also learned the main tasks in a relatively short time. Through the course, I gained practical experience and knowledge of plumbing systems, as well as the soft skills needed to succeed in the industry, such as communication and problem solving."
Thanks to the course, Amneh is now a reference point in his neighborhood. His business has made him expand his clientele by leading him to solve any domestic plumbing problem in his city. The project, which aims to improve socioeconomic conditions by fostering access to the world of work in an inclusive manner while generating new income opportunities, has enabled Amneh to build a career to become economically self-sufficient in the short term and he is very proud of his commitment to his work.
Indeed, the project, with funding from AICS and in collaboration with the Italian Association of Women for Development (AIDOS), Education for Employment Jordan (EFE) and Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), addresses livelihood needs and fosters the creation of decent work opportunities for Syrian refugees and the Jordanian community, focusing on the most vulnerable population. Supporting the creation or strengthening of micro or small businesses promotes inclusive economic growth while meeting decent work standards.