Mali. Women at the center of economic development
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10-05-2024 | di COOPI

Mali. Women at the center of economic development

Mali, one of the countries most affected by the crisis in the Sahel, is plagued by a high unemployment rate. In response to this issue, COOPI, with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), has been implementing a project since October 2022 aimed at creating income-generating activities for women's groups and associations in the Bamako district.

In fact, to foster the socioeconomic integration of young women, COOPI has implemented quality vocational training courses in the region, emphasizing the importance of their economic autonomy for local development. To enable all young women from groups and associations in the targeted areas to participate, COOPI has adopted support measures such as childcare and flexible schedules.

Through these training courses, carried out in real work situations, young women have acquired technical, entrepreneurial and soft skills that enable them to carry out activities in line with the economic realities in the area. At the end of the training, they are supported to enter working life. In addition, 30 coaching sessions were carried out for several beneficiary enterprises, which allowed them to highlight the management tools implemented in these enterprises and fill the gaps detected.

With this project, called "Women, Youth and Social Entrepreneurship: pillars of a sustainable and inclusive future," COOPI is committed to improving the resilience of the most vulnerable populations in both Mali and Senegal by contributing to equitable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and employment in the private sector, with a focus on vulnerable women, youth and returning migrants. The intervention aims to move beyond pure humanitarian assistance by aligning humanitarian and development interventions to strengthen the resilience and socio-economic empowerment of communities.

COOPI has been working in Mali since 2013, implementing rapid response mechanisms to the humanitarian crisis, engaging in protection, health, mental health, and malnutrition combat activities. It works alongside institutions to ensure a response to the growing needs related to the context of vulnerability and promotes economic development through vocational training activities.