07-11-2016 | di COOPI
Perù: the Cantagallo urban settling destroyed by the fire
In the night between november 3 and 4 ,a fire flared up in the Cantagallo urban settling in Perù. The firemen have managed to put out the flames only about 6 am, leaving only a heap of cinders and rubble.
15 years of precarious environmental and hygienic conditions
Cantagallo is a native urban settling created in 2001 in order to host several families of the Shipibo Konibo community, coming from Ucayali region in the peruvian Amazonia, from where they were evacuated because of a flood. Altought the metropolitan city council of Lima promised several times a relocation towards a more suitable space for human life, the families of Shipibo community have lived for 15 years in precarious enivironmental and hygienic conditions and in extreme poverty. Today , according to the numbers of the National Statistic Institute (INEI), about 500 people live in Cantagallo, in total 2000 people.
The immediate intervention of COOPI
The Cantagallo settling is situated at the border of the jurisdiction of Lima's Municipality and Rimac Municipality, where Coopi is carrying out a project "RIMAC DRR: strengthening the innovation by partecipative mechanisms to increase the capacity of development and of resilience in Rimac" in association with CARE PERU' and IRD ( French Institute for the search and the development) and financed by USAID/OFDA. Thanks to the presence in the territory and to the local equipe expertise, COOPI could intervene even in the emergency phase, in coordination with local, national and international autorities.
Even since the beginning, thanks to a first speedy valuation of the damaged zone, the situation appeared dramatic: 90% of the houses were been destroyed by the fire as well as all their goods. In the first 72 hours of the emergency , the competent local and national autorities have distributed humanitary helps (water,food, clothes) but the population, made up first of all of women, children and old people, continue to have an estreme urgency of goods and basic services.There is a serious risk for the public health because of the toxic smokes that emanate from the burned material compounded by the fact that the community had settled down in land before used as a dump. Moreover , some cases of sexual violence and children's mal treatment have been registred, due to the high vulnerability of the settling and of the affected population.
Cantagallo must be rebuilt in safety
The information produced by our team in the reduction risk and disaster program - collecting dates and working out the cartography of the zone hited by the fire - has been of vital importance for the autorities responsable of the organization of the emergency response.
Exceed the first phase of the emergency, now it is of vital importance to replane the building of Cantagallo observing safety's rules ,assuring better hygienic and sanitary conditions and the recovery of the means of subsistence for the native Shipibo- Konibo families, with a vision of long period.