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Women, youth and social entrepreneurship as pillars of a sustainable and inclusive future

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As part of the project “Women, youth and social entrepreneurship: pillars of a sustainable and inclusive future”, a strategic initiative aimed at promoting social entrepreneurship and economic inclusion in Senegal and Mali and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale is collaborating with VIS and LVIA to create sustainable employment opportunities and foster local economic development. This project, which has been active since October 6, 2022 and is scheduled to run until May 4, 2024, is set in the context of an economic and humanitarian crisis that is severely affecting local communities in Kaolack and Tambacounda in Senegal, and Bamako and Kayes in Mali.

The project aims to support the private sector in an endogenous, inclusive and sustainable manner, with an emphasis on the existing economic realities in the target regions. The main objective is the creation of lasting jobs through the strengthening of local social enterprises. This is made possible through a combination of financial assistance, training and provision of material resources so as to effectively address the specific needs of the selected enterprises.

The project consists of several key phases. Initially, a rigorous selection of beneficiary social enterprises was made, based on criteria of entrepreneurial dynamism and risk of social exclusion and conducted in close collaboration with local communities, ensuring a participatory and inclusive approach. Once the enterprises were selected, a series of training courses was launched in the two countries involved. The training modules covered topics essential for business growth, such as business management, accounting transparency, marketing, packaging, and formalization of activities. These courses aim to equip beneficiaries with the skills needed to successfully run their businesses and meet market challenges.

The project provides various forms of direct assistance to businesses. Vouchers worth a total of € 4,003.31 were provided to cover part of the costs of participation in the program. In addition, services in the amount of €14,131.26 were provided to directly support business activities. Another key component of the project is assistance in kind, with an investment of € 15,518.89 for the purchase and distribution of support kits, including materials needed to improve the productivity of the supported enterprises.

The project is not limited to training and direct support to enterprises, but also promotes a strong advocacy and awareness-raising component. In Senegal, for example, community outreach sessions were organized in the departments involved to stimulate public debate on project issues and create constructive dialogue between businesses and local authorities. These activities aim to create an enabling environment for business development by ensuring that community voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

Ultimately, the project is a key pillar for the economic and social development of the intervention regions, providing concrete tools for the creation of a more sustainable and inclusive future, especially for the women and youth who are at the center of this initiative.