16-03-2017 | di COOPI
CAR: stop violence against women
Since 2009, COOPI has been intervening in the Central African Republic, implementing various projects of protection. At Obo, a town situated near the border of South Sudan, the local population co-habits with thousands of refugees which have been escaping from the war and the crisis in their country. The project "Support the protection of refugees and the most vulnerable populations in emergency situations in Obo (Haut Mbomou)", launched in November 2016, thanks to the funding of UNICEF, has the aim to guarantee protection to girls and women that are at risk of becoming victims of violence, including sexual violence.
Women's and girls' situation
Within the areas of refugees, women and girls live in a situation of promiscuity, which exposes them to the risk of becoming victims of violence. Also, the use of psychotropic substances on behalf of men and boys is a factor that increases women's exposure of being sexually abused. One of the intervening aims of COOPI's project consists in giving complete assistance to 500 victims of sexual violence and abuse. According to the program included in the project, victims will benefit from medical, psychosocial, economic and legal assistance and will have access to protection services offered by COOPI in the region.