DRC. In Ituri, war victims meet with International Criminal Court delegation
06-05-2024 | di COOPI

DRC. In Ituri, war victims meet with International Criminal Court delegation

On April 24, 2024, the Executive Director of the Victims' Trust Fund (VTF) of the International Criminal Court, Deborah Ruiz Verduzco, arrived in Bunia, Ituri province, to participate in the closing ceremony of the Germain Katanga project. Funded by the International Criminal Court Fund and implemented in South-Kivu, the project aims to improve the quality of life of war victims through psychological support and socioeconomic reintegration, promoting reconciliation and peace in local communities.

During the visit, the COOPI team, led by Head of Mission Clément Kumbizi, presented the activities carried out and the results achieved. The activities presented included the psychological and physical rehabilitation of the victims of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo crimes in Ituri, while ensuring the safety and socioeconomic inclusion of the victims and their families. Special attention was given to the testimonies of survivors supported by the project, with a focus on single mothers. The authorities present, including Senegal's Ambassador to the International Criminal Court, legal representatives of the victims, and local authorities, showed great interest in the victims' stories and expressed appreciation for the work done by COOPI. The Executive Director expressed great satisfaction with the work done by COOPI and conveyed her full support.

Since 2020, COOPI has been implementing projects funded by the Trust Funds for Victims, including psychosocial reintegration of single mothers and collective reparation of war victims. COOPI has been present in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1977, focusing on nutritional security, food security and protection. COOPI's interventions include free psychosocial support and health care, prevention of forced recruitment of children in conflict settings, and promotion of educational and vocational reintegration, with a participatory and gender-sensitive approach.