30-08-2019 | di COOPI
Ethiopia: 40 young vulnerable people and returnees introduced to agriculture
Last month, 20 vulnerable young people and 20 returnees, of whom 50% were women, from the Woreda of Adaba, Goba and Sinana, Ethiopia, were given fruit and vegetables production equipment.
During this phase of the project entitled “Emergency initiative for vulnerable returnee and potential migrant populations to mitigate the causes of irregular migration in the Bale, Arsi and Western Arsi areas", funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) that started in July 2017, the distribution of agricultural machinery and equipment for irrigated horticultural production – including irrigation pumps, shovels, pick axes, hoes, rakes, seeds - aims to involve young Ethiopians as well as returnees in income-generating activities (IGA), so that they can find suitable job opportunities within their regions of origin, including the agricultural sector.
Moreover, under income-generating activities, we are also:
- purchasing and donating farm machinery equipment for the threshing and harvesting of cereal crop for jobless youth to increase their income;
- covering initial operating costs for irrigation pumps (mainly fuel costs);
- supporting beneficiaries through training and technical assistance.
Bale and West Arsi are among the largest areas in the Oromia region located in the south-eastern and central part of Ethiopia. The main causes of irregular migration are to be found in poverty, lack of economic opportunities, lack of funds and skills in business management and accounting, which prevent young people from starting a business in their own communities.
Given that 61% of migrants currently outside Ethiopia leave the country for better job opportunities and higher wages, our project aims to promote income-generating activities to counter irregular migration and provide young people with suitable materials, training and skills to let them work and succeed in their regions of origin.
Photo credits: Firaol Lemecha/Harena studio