Iraq. Athra'a's determination: from dropping out of school to the ambition of becoming a doctor
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01-07-2024 | di COOPI

Iraq. Athra'a's determination: from dropping out of school to the ambition of becoming a doctor

Athra'a, 12 years old, comes from the village of Mashhad in Salah al-Din governorate, Iraq. She suffered from harsh conditions during her childhood, starting with displacement from their village to Kirkuk Governorate, through poor academic standards and finally society's low regard for female education. Thanks to the project funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), Athra'a now excels in her studies, has discovered a new passion, and dreams of becoming a doctor.

When ISIS raided Salah al-Din governorate in 2014, Athra'a's father decided to flee with the family, fearing for their safety and hoping to find a better life in Kirkuk governorate. During this period of displacement, due to the family's difficult economic situation, Athra'a had to enroll a year late in her first year of elementary school.

When Salah al-Din governorate was liberated from ISIS and the security situation stabilized, Athra'a and her family returned to live in their home village, regaining some normality. However, Athra'a soon had to drop out of school because of social prejudices about female education.

It is here that COOPI, with financial support from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and in collaboration with the Public Aid Organization (PAO), intervened with the project "Schools Where We Want to Be - Inclusive, Safe and Quality Formal Education in Iraq." This project supported 20 schools in Shirqat district, where Athra'a School is located.

Activities to raise awareness about the importance of education, especially for girls, along with empowerment classes, psychological support, and recreational activities, have had a great impact on Athra'a's life. Indeed, the young girl discovered her talent for drawing and today she is among the best students in her school, with aspirations of becoming a doctor one day.

Thanks to your intervention, your awareness campaigns and support for our schools, education and child support have become our priority. We appreciate your efforts and hope you will continue to support us." 

  Athra'a's father told COOPI.

Iraq has been experiencing a very serious humanitarian emergency since 2014, with millions of refugees moving within the country's borders. COOPI has been present in the country since 2017, with emergency education activities for refugees and host communities in Mosul district (Ninawa) and later in schools in Shirqat (Salah Al-Din).