Lebanon. AICS's visit to schools in Akkar and Tripoli
18-12-2023 | di COOPI

Lebanon. AICS's visit to schools in Akkar and Tripoli

On November 29th, a delegation of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) embarked on a comprehensive visit to see COOPI’ activities in Lebanon as part of the project “Supporting quality inclusive education and improving protection for vulnerable Lebanese and refugee children in North Lebanon”.

As the education landscape in Lebanon continues to faced numerous challenges - disruptions due to protests since October 2019, economic crises, consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and persistent strikes by public teachers – with a dire impact on children's learning process and protection risks, the role of COOPI, thanks to AICS’s funds, have been crucial in revitalizing the education sector.

AICS’s visit shed light on the impactful work being done by COOPI in collaboration with partners such as Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF) and Green Track, as well as local stakeholders.

Shining in Peace, Akkar

The delegation's journey started at the Shining in Peace, a Community-Based Organizations in Akkar, a testament to the collaboration between COOPI and RMF. This location serves as the focal point for Basic Literacy and Numeracy (BLN) activities in the area, specifically catering to Syrian out-of-school boys and girls. The delegation engaged in a meaningful dialogue with project partners and local stakeholders, gaining valuable insights into the transformative impact of education initiatives in vulnerable communities. RMF's child and education specialist, Hasna Moawad, explained the significance of focusing on non-formal education for two main reasons. Firstly, it provides an avenue for out-of-school children to participate in education. Secondly, it is crucial in decreasing child protection risks by keeping children in a safe environment, away from the streets where they may be exposed to the worst forms of child labor.

Social Development Center of Mishmish, Akkar

The visit proceeded to the Social Development Center (SDC) of Mishmish in Akkar, where COOPI, also thanks to previous engagement, has successfully completed rehabilitation efforts and is actively working on solar panel installations. The SDC Director, Salam Fatteh, emphasized the vital role played by COOPI, stating,

"The center is a lifeline for vulnerable individuals in the area, and COOPI's work is of immense importance." 

 The delegation acknowledged the importance of sustaining such initiatives for the well-being of the community.

Zaaroura Public School

Next on the itinerary was Zaaroura Public School, nestled in the Akkar mountains—a small rural village not reached by other aid. The school's director, Omar Mohammad, a dedicated educator with almost 30 years of service, expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts of COOPI and RMF, made possible through AICS funds.

"The introduction of the retention support program has resulted in significant improvements in learning outcomes and motivation among the enrolled children." 

Mohammad emphasized that the school has become a safe and joyful space for the students. COOPI project manager emphasized the critical importance of providing transportation, being one of the reasons of schools drop outs since families are no longer able to afford it. Furthermore, she highlighted the significance of offering snacks, particularly in vulnerable communities, as it often represents the only healthy and complete meal many children consume during the day.

May al Oula School in Tripoli

The final leg of the visit brought the delegation to May al Oula School in Tripoli, a primary school for girls. COOPI's intervention at this school included structural rehabilitation to enhance safety for the girls, creating a conducive learning environment. The ongoing retention program has demonstrated positive outcomes, fostering a sense of security and enthusiasm among the students. Additionally, COOPI has introduced a unique initiative—body and period awareness through yoga. A group of 30 girls in the 6th grade, navigating the challenges of puberty, participates in a safe space where they can openly discuss the changes in their bodies.

The AICS delegation's visit underscored the invaluable impact of collaborative efforts in rejuvenating the education sector in Lebanon's Northern region. Through projects implemented by COOPI, in partnership with RMF and Green Track, AICS funds have played a pivotal role in providing educational opportunities, fostering safe spaces, and promoting holistic well-being for the region's vulnerable children. As Lebanon navigates through challenging times, these initiatives stand as beacons of hope, ensuring that education continues to be a transformative force for a brighter future.

COOPI-Cooperazione Internazionale has been active in Lebanon since 2013 alongside Syrian refugees and host communities, especially women and children. COOPI's activities are aimed at child protection, improving sanitation and the socio-economic situation of the population.