05-06-2020 | di COOPI
North Darfur. Sustainable infrastructure to resilience from El Nino
Dams realized with innovative materials, veterinary centers equipped with solar panels and improved latrines, seed banks managed by Committees: COOPI built sustainable infrastructures positively addressing 44,000 beneficiaries in the framework of two projects: “Mitigate the effect of El Niño for host and IDP Population in North Darfur State” funded by the European Union and "Enhance peaceful coexistence between IDPs, returnees and host communities and promote sustainable reintegration of returnees and IDPs in Um Baru, Kornoi and Tina localities" funded by UNHCR
From December 2017 to today, COOPI constructed several dams in the remote areas of Umbaru and Kornoi. Orshi dam was rehabilitated in 2019: today it is possible to see the results and positive effects of its construction in the 800 hectares of neighboring land, cultivated at full capacity and producing watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, okra and sesame. Kerfu dam, rehabilitated in early 2020, and Maski dam, constructed between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, will be fully operational after the yearly rain season. COOPI used innovative materials to enhance dams’ functionalities.
Kerfu Dam
COOPI rehabilitated/built four veterinary centers. Among these, also the center in Abugambra, an isolated area during the rainy season and therefore in need of this service. Veterinary centers (VetPost) are essential to pastoral communities since they always provide treatments and medicine to treat animals all year long and sometimes experts’ advisory. COOPI built these centers keeping an eco-sustainable perspective and therefore equipped with improved solar panels and latrines.
VetPost Umbaru
In the agricultural framework, COOPI completed two nurseries and two seed banks. These infrastructures are essential, since they enable the purchase and the trade of primary products, incrementing production and profits. A management committee was assigned to each seed bank. Members took part in training on management and enterprise. An official representative of the Agricultural Department will supervise the Committees. Associations will enable the trade and loan of seeds to farmers who will have to return the same amount, once the harvest is over.
Seed Bank Meski
COOPI, as for the seed banks, created and trained management committees composed by local people and provided communities with suitable tools to guarantee efficient and sustainable management of the infrastructures.
North Darfur is one of the areas most affected by El Niño, a climatic phenomenon that causes a lack of rainfall and droughts which brings to food insecurity for local communities who depend on agriculture and breeding. Thanks to the European Union funded project, COOPI enhanced and will continue its action to increase water and natural resources’ availability to increase livelihood productivity and increase income opportunities.