In Paraguay – a Country threatened by the constant risk of flooding and floods - COOPI has launched pilot studies on the implementation of SATs in four communities. Such studies were conducted in synergy with the National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) and aimed at testing success rate and replicability of the Systems.
Firstly, SATs convert the territorial analyses conducted on hazards, vulnerabilities, evacuation routes and shelters into "interactive maps" generated by overlapping GPS data, which will then be forwarded to local authorities. Secondly, a team of volunteers will be set up to facilitate emergency evacuation procedures and the dissemination of protective measures, in accordance with collectively-established action plans.
Finally, all activities are carried out with a participatory and inclusive approach for all beneficiaries.
COOPI also helps the central authorities to set up digital tools to monitor hydro-meteorological activities and related risks and to allow timely intervention.
An example of this is the installation of the DEWETRA Platform, made available for the Italian Civil Protection at the headquarters of the Paraguayan Directorate of Hydrology and Meteorology.