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Since 2013, COOPI has been intervening in Mali in the Mopti and Ségou regions, which have some of the highest levels of child malnutrition in the Sahel and an alarming incidence of human rights violations.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Protection Health  Nutrition Security Economic development
5 projects
100% emergency

direct beneficiaries


Expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation  Migration Protection Health Food Security  Nutrition Security Economic development
36 projects
3% development
97% emergency

direct beneficiaries

COOPI presence in Mali 

Mali is among the most affected countries in the multidimensional crisis sweeping the Sahel.

Since 2012, it has been ravaged by ongoing clashes in the northern and central regions that have forced people to abandon fields and livestock and contributed to a massive movement of internally displaced people.

Since 2013, in Mali COOPI has been intervening in the Mopti and Ségou regions, which have some of the highest levels of child malnutrition in the Sahel and an alarming incidence of human rights violations, especially against children, who are often recruited by armed groups.

In 2022, the food crisis worsened further, exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine and the blockade of grain imports. To cope with the deep food crisis and humanitarian emergency in these regions, COOPI has identified projects to combat malnutrition, providing support to health centers to improve access to medical care and child protection, monitoring violations of children's rights, and providing psychosocial support to victims of abuse and violence as among its various areas of intervention.

In 2022 COOPI integrated the Bamako district into these actions with interventions in youth and women's entrepreneurship.

COOPI in Mali today

Humanitarian crisis rapid response mechanisms, protection, health and mental health, and malnutrition countering are the main strands of COOPI's intervention in Mali.

Here COOPI ensures access to health and nutrition services and provides psychosocial support to displaced people, refugees, migrants, and host communities with a special focus on the most vulnerable: pregnant and lactating women, children, the disabled, and the elderly.

COOPI works in Mali alongside government institutions to ensure a response to the growing needs related to the context of vulnerability. The commitment of local and national staff has grown over the years to address the country's difficulties.

Main sectors of intervention today

In response to the food crisis that has been affecting the country for years and the urgent needs of the most vulnerable populations, COOPI is promoting nutritional security in Mali by intervening on multiple fronts:

  • access to free medical and nutritional care at health centers and multipurpose mobile teams
  • awareness campaigns on good practices in breastfeeding, infant and young child feeding (ANJE), food diversification techniques
  • newborn screening for malnutrition and training on brachial perimeter measurement
  • distribution of medical equipment at health centers
  • training of community actors and health staff in management, administrative and financial skills
  • sensitization of mothers, community actors and community relay staff on prevention of spread, control and management of Covid-19 infections




The number of migrants and displaced persons in Mali has increased significantly in recent years, and with that, the number of unaccompanied or separated minors at risk of being recruited by armed groups. COOPI promotes protection interventions in the country targeting migrants and displaced persons and host communities with a focus on the protection of minors. COOPI serves as a point of reference in the response to and prevention of violations of children's rights, helping to strengthen Malian community child protection mechanisms by adopting a participatory and gender-sensitive approach.

COOPI promotes Protection activities in Mali on multiple levels:

  • temporary assistance services, accompaniment for family reunification and reintegration solutions in communities of origin for vulnerable and/or unaccompanied children and minors;
  • monitoring, verification and documentation of serious violations of children's rights committed by armed groups;
  • recreational and psychosocial activities at the local level;
  • capacity building of local authorities;
  • support in the management of transit centers for migrants and unaccompanied minors;
  • promotion of mental health at the community and individual level ("case management"), with awareness-raising and training of health professionals, community focal points and advocacy with institutions;
  • monitoring of violence and gross violations of children's rights.




Find out where we operate in Mali

COOPI development in Mali

COOPI's priority areas of intervention in the near future in Mali will remain:

  • Protection by strengthening assistance to women victims of gender-based violence, unaccompanied minors victims of abuse and the armed conflicts, while promoting awareness raising, training and capacity building activities.In addition, reinforcing the care of children, their reunification with their families, socioeconomic, educational and professional reintegration through transit and orientation centers and with their host families.
  • Nutrition through strengthening community health centers and activities to prevent and take charge of cases of malnutrition.
  • Health, ensuring access to basic care for newly displaced IDPs;
  • Mental health and psychosocial support, reinforcing community knowledge on self-care, first-level IASC pyramid intake and referral systems for higher levels. Special emphasis will be placed on social cohesion and in countering the stigma of mental illness and psychosocial difficulties. In addition, action will be taken on strengthening the skills of health workers on level 2 mental health issues and psychosocial support.

COOPI activities in mali are currently funded by:

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Nutrition (co-lead in Bandiagara region) - Child Protection and Protection - Health - Food Security - Operational Framework for Mental Health - GBV Working Group - GTAH (Groupe de Travail Action Humanitaire) - FONGIM (Forum des ONGI du Mali)

Association of Community Health (ASACO) - Local Child Protection Committees (CLPE) - Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Promotion of Women, Children and Families (DRPFEF) - Regional Directorate of Health (DRS) - Djenné Health District - Municipalities


CRS • LVIA • Mercy Corps • TAMAT • TdH Svizzera • VIS


Contact :

COOPI - mali Sotuba ACI, LOT NA/2598 - Bamako