Where We Work


Since 2016, COOPI has been present in Syria, where it has mainly implemented protection interventions and projects to promote food security and agricoltural production and early recovery in the rural areas of Damascus, Dara'a, Hama, Homs, Raqqa and Aleppo.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Education in Emergency Protection Food Security
15 projects
100% emergency



Expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Education in Emergency Protection Food Security
24 projects
100% emergency


The presence of COOPI in Syria

In 2017, COOPI started its first intervention in FSL and WASH in Qatana in the rural area of Damascus funded by AICS. In 2018, COOPI launched a protection programme in Aleppo funded by UNHCR to provide support to people with special needs – namely elderly, children and disabled. It also promoted a life-saving food assistance and agricultural production support intervention at household level, funded by ECHO and OCHA, targeting returnees from Eastern Ghouta.

In Syria, COOPI also provided educational and psychosocial support to children in Aleppo, to reduce school drop-out and promote their well-being.

COOPI in Syria today

In Syria, COOPI implements emergency projects, in coordination with the local authorities and national and international organisations, while promoting the transition from emergency management to more sustainable and lasting development processes. COOPI mostly operates in the Governorates of Aleppo, Lattakia, Raqqa, Dara'a, Homs, Hama and Rural Damascus, where basic services are very poor and food insecurity has become an issue of utmost importance. In 2023 COOPI staff is also responding to Earthquake in Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama.

To date, COOPI continues working on Food Security and Agricolture, Early Recovery, Education and Protection, for the benefit of vulnerable groups, including women headed households, children, people with disabilities and elderly.

Main sectors of intervention today

In response to the Syrian crisis, COOPI promotes Protection activities, to support the most vulnerable people, severely traumatised by the conflict, namely women heads of household left alone to care for their children, disabled and elderly.

In this area, COOPI implements several activities, including:

  • psychosocial support, both with mobile units and community centres, especially aimed at women AND CHILDREN;
  • accompanying those needing psychological support, through 'case management' and supply of specialized and quality services, such as those provided by therapists;
  • reactivation of social protection mechanisms;
  • supply of primary care materials, and medical devices;
  • awareness campaigns.




COOPI promotes education in emergency in Syria mainly by:

  • supporting students in studying and catching up on their school years;
  • distributing school supplies;
  • providing light rehabilitation of damaged schools;
  • providing psychosocial support.




After more than 12 years of conflict, poverty is affecting more and more people in many parts of Syria. In this respect, COOPI promotes Food Security and agriculture, by implementing several activities, including:

  • life-saving food assistance by distributing food parcels;
  • distribution of unconditional and conditional food vouchers (cash for work);
  • small-scale farming and livestock activities reinforcement at family level, mainly by distributing agricultural kits and promoting technical training.

To promote Food Security, COOPI adopts an integrated approach.





Find out where we operate in Syria

COOPI development lines in Syria

COOPI main areas of intervention in Syria in the near future will be:

  • Protection, by focusing on strengthening community centres to provide more and more access to specialised therapies and information campaigns on mental health, legal and psychosocial assistance, prevention of violence and abuse against women and children;
  • Food Security and agriculture with a focus on food diversification and access to livelihoods for the most vulnerable communities;
  • Education with a focus on informal education activities, including improvements to school facilities and teachers training.

Early Recovery will also be among the areas of intervention that COOPI aims to strengthen over the next few years in Syria. Its focus will be on creating more sustainable network opportunities and promote the resilience of the most vulnerable communities and groups.


COOPI activities in Syria are currently funded by:

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nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione

Cash Working Group • Early Recovery and Livelihood • Education • Food and Agriculture Security • Protection sectors and AoRs (Child Protection, GBV, Mine Action)

Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) • Line Ministries (Agriculture, Social Affairs and Labour, Education)



Smiling again in Aleppo

"Thanks to COOPI and the speech therapist, I don’t feel ashamed anymore and I can talk to all my friends." B. is a 14-years-old girl living...

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Syria: what we are doing

In Syria, within the project "Food support in response to the Syrian crisis in Damascus's metropolitan area", supported by Italian Agency for...

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COOPI in Syria

Six years later the beginning of the Syrian crisis, that until now registered 400,000 victims, more than 12 millions of people were forced to leave their...

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Contact :

COOPI - SYRIA Malki, 7 Jadet Al Bezem 4065/8, Damascus