Where We Work


COOPI has been present in Lebanon since 2013, working alongside Syrian refugees and their host communities. 

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Education in Emergency Governance and human rights Protection Economic development
6 projects
50% development
50% emergency

direct beneficiaries


international operators


local operators

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Humanitarian assistance Education in Emergency Training Governance and human rights Protection Food Security
19 projects
5% development
95% emergency

direct beneficiaries

COOPI presence in Lebanon

Lebanon stands as the country hosting the highest number of refugees in proportion to its population. This influx, resulting from the enduring Syrian crisis, has placed substantial strain on Lebanese authorities in delivering basic services, particularly to the most vulnerable segments of the population.

In August 2020, COOPI - in partnership with Lebanese NGOs and local communities - was among the first organisations to assist the victims of the terrible explosion that hit Beirut by distributing hot meals and food rations and supporting traders to restart their businesses destroyed or damaged by the explosion. COOPI also launched a development project in the north of the country to set up - together with the municipalities involved - a sustainable municipal solid waste collection programme.

In addition, COOPI focused on child protection and education, improved sanitation and cash-for-work projects.

COOPI in Lebanon today

In Lebanon, COOPI adopts a multi-sectoral and integrated approach with interventions primarily in the fields of Child Protection, Education, Livelihoods and WASH.

Following the severe economic crisis that has recently hit the country, COOPI implemented several Cash for Work initiatives in the Tripoli area and in the Akkar Governorate in northern Lebanon, supporting mostly Syrian and Lebanese head of households in vulnerable condition.

In terms of WASH activities, COOPI is carrying out a multi-year programme to support solid waste collection and management systems in 15 villages in the Akkar region, north Lebanon.

Main sectors of intervention today

In Lebanon in the field of Water and Hygiene, COOPI works at community level, primarily through projects for integrated and sustainable municipal solid waste management.

Solid waste management presents several critical issues in Lebanon, mainly due to the proliferation of hundreds of open dumps. The district of Akkar is one of the most affected areas – here the high influx of Syrian refugees combined with the precarious living conditions of the local population puts a strain on the local authorities who are in charge of managing this basic service. In this context, COOPI leads a multi-year project designed to regulate the production and management of solid waste in the district and carried out in partnership with Local Authorities, INGOs, NGOs and the private sector. The participatory approach of the project actively involves the Union of Municipalities in the planning and implementation of activities, invests in the recycling and rehabilitation of illegal dumps and includes actions to raise awareness among the local population for proper personal waste management.





The education sector in Lebanon faces numerous  challenges due to economic crisis, political instability, and the Syrian refugee crisis, endangering the prospects of numerous children.

COOPI intervenes to facilitate the resumption of regular education and training for children and young people in host and refugee communities, specifically by offering:

  • school infrastructure rehabilitation and improvement;
  • classroom equipment and school supplies;
  • non-formal education accompaniment focused on the reintegration into the education system and the reduction of school drop-out;
  • training to teachers, especially while dealing with traumatised children;
  • psychosocial support;
  • Child Protection Case Management.






Find out where we operate in Lebanon

Future developments of COOPI in Lebanon

COOPI’s historical areas of intervention in the country, such as Water and Hygiene, Sustainable Waste Management, Education in Emergency, Business Development and Income Generating Activities, remain at the core of COOPI’s programming in Lebanon.

The participatory approach towards local and host communities will continue to be the overarching theme of COOPI’s interventions, while promoting structured multi-stakeholder consultation processes. COOPI will also engage with local authorities and civil society representatives, especially for projects aimed at improving the delivery and quality of public services, such as water services and waste management.


COOPI activities in Lebanon are currently funded by:

nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione

Education • Protection • Social Stability • Livelihood

Ministry of Education MEHE (Ministry of Education and Higher Education) • Ministry of Social Affairs MoSA and its decentralised agencies SDC • Municipality of Tripoli • Union of the Municipalities of Jurd al Kaytee • American University of Beirut

ABAAD • Greentrack ONG • MADA Association ONG • Renee Mowad Foundation

COSPE • CISP • Municipality of Fano (Italy)

COOPI is a member of the Lebanese Humanitarian INGO Forum.


Lebanon: lessons on ecology

On the 27th and the 28th of March, a total of 100 children from 3 schools in Northern Lebanon participated in an activity devoted toplanting around 40 trees,...

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Hooray for school!

Hope is also coming to Lebanon! Thanks to the action of COOPI, in collaboration with UNICEF, about 1,000 school-age children have been able to access the Basic...

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"There can be no food security without having access to a source of fuel to heat and cook food": this is how the United Nations Office for...

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Contact :

COOPI LEBANON Furn Al Hayek, Baroudi Street, Saab Building, 7th floor, Achrafie, Beirut