World Refugee Day. COOPI's Commitment In Latin America.
Today, June 20, is World Refugee Day, but do we really know who refugees are? They are first and foremost people who have had to leave their countries due to...
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COOPI has been present in Peru since 2000. The country is exposed to disasters of natural origin-such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, mudslides, and tsunamis-as well as man-made disasters that cyclically test the population and the response capacity of the authorities.
Since 2001, COOPI has been working to strengthen the capacity of Peruvian society to cope with disasters by promoting resilience in the social fabric through improved community preparedness and risk management based on strong synergies with local governments and urban and rural communities. As of 2018, the country is heavily impacted by the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis that has resulted in the displacement of more than 1,500,000 highly vulnerable people to Peru. The negative impact on the territory's economy, already structurally fragile, is very significant and has been further aggravated in recent years by the health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context of severe humanitarian emergency COOPI has supported and continues to support both the migrant and refugee population and host communities with initiatives to improve access to water and sanitation at WASH points on the migration route and in educational and health facilities nationwide. In addition, COOPI carries out activities to prevent the spread of diseases and epidemics in emergency settings, as well as protection interventions aimed especially at the most fragile individuals, such as women, the elderly, and children, and involving not only mechanisms for deriving critical cases but also initiatives to strengthen the work capacity of migrant people for better social and economic integration.
COOPI in Peru develops integrated multisectoral programs and promotes the strengthening of the resilience of urban and rural communities, working within a framework that links humanitarian response to rehabilitation and development. COOPI intervenes in synergy with U.N. agencies, public instances and local actors, within the framework of the management of the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis, with humanitarian assistance initiatives related mainly to Protection and access to water and sanitation, and with projects to protect the environment and reduce the risks of natural and man-made disasters in the areas most affected by periodic emergencies such as the Lima region, the north (Piura and Tumbes regions) and the Amazon zone (Loreto and Ucayali regions) of the country. COOPI's work in Peru has always been characterized by the promotion of respect for human rights, inclusive and participatory governance, transparency (Accountability to Affected Populations - APP) towards the participating population and authorities, and the promotion of empowerment of local organizations, supporting groups suffering specific situations of vulnerability such as indigenous peoples, peasants, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, with priority of assistance to women and children.
COOPI promotes fair and comprehensive access to water, working especially at the community level. In addition, in the context of the management of the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis, COOPI has activated specific WASH interventions to support the migrant population and host communities.
The main activities that COOPI carries out in Peru, in the Water and Hygiene sector are:
direct beneficiaries
Natural and man-made disaster risk reduction, a key sector of COOPI's intervention in Peru since the 2000s, remains central to the agenda of COOPI's interventions in this country.
In particular, COOPI promotes rapid disaster response programs working on multiple fronts:
In the specific context of the Venezuelan crisis, COOPI aims to carry out more WASH and Protection interventions, especially for the benefit of victims of human trafficking and gender-based violence, women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
In Peru, COOPI is also working directly with indigenous communities, strengthening their internal organization and political participation, prioritizing the resolution of health-related needs, including through access to safe water and alternative waste management systems.
In parallel, natural and man-made disaster response programs, with projects in the sectors of Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Preparedness and Environment; and rapid emergency response programs will continue to be a priority for COOPI in Peru in the face of frequent emergencies at the local and national level.
On all these fronts, COOPI continues to promote the empowerment of local civil society organizations and indigenous communities.
COOPI activities in Peru are currently funded by:
WASH • Basic necessities of the Refugee and Migrant Group
APCI (Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation) • CENEPRED (National Center for Estimation, Prevention and Reduction of Disaster Risk) • INDECI (National Civil Defense Institution) • Lima Metropolitan municipality • District Municipality of RIMAC • SENAMHI PERÚ • SUNAT (SUNAT (Superintendencia Tributaria Nacional) • COORDINATOR OF FOREIGN ENTITIES IN PERÚ (COEECI) • RED HUMANITARIA NACIONAL • GRUPO DE TRABAJO REFUGIADOS Y MIGRANTES (GTRM)
ADRA • Ayuda en Acción