Where We Work


COOPI has been present in Somalia since 1981 and for over 40 years, it has been promoting health, food security, livelihood development and access to water and hygiene.


Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Protection Food Security Economic development
11 projects
27% development
73% emergency

direct beneficiaries


Expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Training  Migration Protection Health Food Security  Nutrition Security Economic development
256 projects
38% development
62% emergency

direct beneficiaries

The presence of COOPI in Somalia

At first, COOPI primarily implemented development projects in the country with the aim of improving the living conditions of vulnerable households and helping to build long-term resilience of communities. In recent years, the country has faced multiple natural disasters caused by climate change and an exacerbated and complex multidimensional crisis. To tackle the situation, COOPI has carried out several emergency interventions, especially in response to floods and periods of severe cyclical droughts.

Since 2012, COOPI has also been part of two active consortia in Somalia:

  • the SomReP (Somalia Resilience Program) consortium, with which it implements resilience programmes in the Bay and Gedo regions and intervenes in the districts of Baidoa, Dollow and Belet-Hawa;
  • the Somalia Cash Consortium, with which it implements cash transfer projects.

COOPI in Somalia today

COOPI implements humanitarian response and resilience building programmes in Somalia with a multisectoral approach. COOPI key areas of intervention in Somalia are Food Security, Livelihoods, Water and Hygiene (WASH) and Health. To respond to the current drought emergency in Somalia, COOPI has immediately implemented emergency programs, while integrating development and resilience projects in the most affected regions. Each intervention integrates one or more cross-cutting areas, namely Protection, Gender, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), depending on the context. Given the fragile social fabric of the many post-conflict communities COOPI works with, great emphasis is placed on minimising conflicts, by adopting the Do No Harm (DNH) principle, so as to alleviate suffering, preserve people's dignity and save lives.

Main sectors of intervention today

Somalia is now facing multiple problems such as floods, locusts and droughts, thus exacerbating its difficult environmental and economic situation. In this context, COOPI mainly focuses on meeting basic needs and promoting long-term climate shock response for the most vulnerable Somali households. COOPI strengthens food security and supports the development of community resilience through:

  • unconditional, multi-purpose cash transfers disbursed on a monthly basis through Mobile Money system for drought-affected households;
  • cash-for-work interventions to revive production;
  • training courses on entrepreneurship and socio-economic reintegration, namely for women, returnees or young people at risk of migration;
  • Agro-pastoral activities support and reinforcement;
  • Protection of livelihoods in agro-pastoral and displaced persons’ villages.




Severe climate change and chronic instability have left thousands of Somali households vulnerable, without access to clean water and adequate sanitation.

COOPI promotes WASH activities in Somalia on multiple levels:

  • granting access to drinking water and sanitation for the most vulnerable households affected by droughts and floods;
  • emergency and sustainable WASH solutions in hard-to-reach rural areas for displaced persons;
  • life-saving assistance by distributing emergency water vouchers;
  • installation of new water supply systems with solar powered wells to ensure a sustainable access to drinking water;
  • training the local community on water systems maintenance and disaster risk reduction to ensure the sustainability of water supply systems.




In Somalia, COOPI carries out protection actions mainly in areas with a high presence of displaced persons, refugees, and asylum seekers, as part of integrated emergency response interventions.

The main protection activities implemented by COOPI in Somalia are:

  • Rapid Response to Population Movement (RRM) in protection, health and education intervention sectors;
  • support and reintegration of unaccompanied children or young people formerly associated with armed groups;
  • support and reintegration of women who have survived violence;
  • training for income-generating activities.




Find out where we operate in Somalia

COOPI development lines in Somalia 

COOPI main areas of intervention in Somalia in the near future will be:

  • emergency response, especially in the event of natural disasters, with rapid response mechanisms (RRM);
  • Food security, by promoting access to and diversifying livelihoods, ranging from pastoralism to fishing, and adopting the cash-for-work model for income-generating activities, with a focus on women's empowerment and renewable energy;
  • Water and sanitation by continuing to invest in sustainable water infrastructures;
  • Education for peace, by strengthening inclusive governance, promoting peace building and fostering social inclusion, while creating a resilience-development-peace cluster.

COOPI activities in Somalia are currently funded by:

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nome fondazione

Food Security • Health • Water and Hygiene

Village Development Committees • Representatives of beneficiaries • Federal Government of Somalia • Regional states • Local district authorities


ACF Spagna • ACTED • ADRA • CWW • DRC • Norwegian Refugee Council • OXFAM Spagna • WVI • SomReP (Somalia Resilience Program) Consortium • Cash Consortium.


Contact :

COOPI - SOMALIA Km 5 Wadajir District - Mogadishu