Where We Work


Since 2014, COOPI has been working with a multi-sectoral approach in Nigeria, implementing humanitarian assistance interventions for the most vulnerable groups and projects to strengthen the resilience of communities.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Cash Transfer Protection Food Security  Nutrition Security
8 projects
100% emergency

direct beneficiaries


Expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Education in Emergency Protection Health Food Security  Nutrition Security
39 projects
5% development
95% emergency

direct beneficiaries

COOPI presence in Nigeria 

Since 2014, COOPI has been working with a multi-sectoral approach in Nigeria. In the country COOPI both implemented humanitarian assistance interventions for the most vulnerable groups and carried out projects to strengthen the resilience of communities and help them cope with the aftermath of internal conflicts and climate shocks.

In Northeast Nigeria (Yobe State and Borno State), COOPI implemented a range of projects in Food Assistance, Food Security, Nutrition, Livelihoods, Cash Transfers, Protection, Education and WASH. Our inteventions have built resilience of conflict affected households, contributed to:

  • saving and changing lives as well as strengthen smallholder farmers’ access to farm imputs, trainings and markets;
  • enhancing access to income and creating new jobs particularly for youth and women in Yobe State.

In Borno State, in addition to provision of life saving food, nutrition and WASH assistance to IDPs and protection services for children affected by conflict, our intervention also extended access to quality education (formal and non-formal) and psychosocial support for school-age children in host villages and displaced communities.

In Northwest Nigeria (Sokoto and Kaduna states), COOPI carried out a rapid response to disasters by developing early warning and social protection systems. The project contributes to improve disaster preparedness, timeliness and quality of risk information and response actions for multiple natural hazards including flooding at ward, local, state and federal government levels in well-coordinated manner.

COOPI in Nigeria today 

In Nigeria, COOPI implements humanitarian response activities and builds resilient livelihoods with a multi-sectoral approach and a focus on women and vulnerable groups adopting protection mainstreaming and participatory approaches.

Today, the number of displaced persons and migrants is rapidly increasing, due to adverse weather events, economic crisis, unemployment and widespread insecurity as a result of activities of armed extremist, bandits and other armed opposition groups in the country.

Our response in Nigeria combines life-saving assistance to vulnerable, conflict-affected IDPs, returnees, and host communities with cash transfers, emergency nutrition, food distribution, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions with longer-term resilience programming aimed at reinforcing agricultural production, disaster risk reduction and environmental conservation, conflict prevention and social cohesion, and empowering youth and women to become economically independent through investment in food value chain development, vocational skills development and support for youth entrepreneurship and participatory planning.

COOPI also focuses on the needs of conflict-affected populations by establishing community-led care services and case management systems for child protection and gender-based violence.

Main sectors of intervention today

Since 2014, COOPI has been responding to various hazards in Nigeria. In the states of Sokoto and Kaduna, it has been improving early warning systems and a social safety net for rapid disaster response.

In north-western Nigeria, climate change-induced floods are one of the most frequent natural phenomena, thus leading to an increasing number of people vulnerable to disaster risk.

To improve early warning systems and social safety nets for a rapid response to disasters, COOPI supports the development of resilience at community level through:

  • Rapid response for emergency needs of “populations in movement”, including displaced persons;
  • Training and interventions for the prevention and reduction of disaster risk;
  • Participatory planning for territorial development and natural resource management;
  • Social protection systems strengthening to prevent climate shocks, such as the social safety net;




COOPI is implementing projects in Yobe covering General Food Distribution (GFD), Cash Based Transfers (CBT), Nutrition, Agriculture, Livestock, Income Generating Activities, Natural Resources Management with support from World Food Programme in Nigeria.

The main objective of the WFP supported projects are to ensure people are better able to meet their urgent food and nutritional needs. The projects provide food or cash assistance to meet the basic food and nutrition needs of targeted populations, and contribute towards restoring livelihoods and food security of affected communities through the gradual introduction of early recovery livelihoods activities to support women and youths in building skills and increase income for self-reliance.

COOPI supports IDPs, farmers and shepherds, potential entrepreneurs and rural communities with a focus on women, young returnees and vulnerable individuals through:

  • Food distribution: Delivering food basket items to meet the basic food and nutritional needs of vulnerable groups;
  • Cash Based Transfers: Providing cash transfers to households at risk of food insecurity so as to enable them meet their minimum food requirements with the dignity of choice;
  • Agriculture: Institutional capacity development, adoption of improved agronomic practices, provision of market access opportunities, seeds and farm inputs supplies to farmers;
  • Income generating activities (IGA): The project enhances innovative, profitable, and sustainable income generating small businesses through provision of start-up capital / kits and vocational skill strengthening trainings to vulnerable youth groups and women headed households and enhance market linkages for self-reliance;
  • Livelihoods: The project contribute to improving equitable access to critical services in a timely manner in the arear of Crop and Livestock production, Natural Resource Management, Infrastructure Development whilst contributing to the restoration of critical agricultural assets and services.




COOPI is going to implement Child Protection activities in Sokoto State with support from USAID/BHA focusing on:

  • Child Protection Monitoring;
  • Provision of training and specialised child protection case management services;
  • Support community-based child protection committees;
  • Establishment of Child Friendly safe Spaces (CFS) to provide children with protective space to gather, play and learn but also to ensure that the vulnerable children are identified, assisted and monitored by trained Community Social Workers (CSWs)/Animators and PSS (Psychosocial Support) Counselors;
  • Psycho-social support including Structured Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) activities within Child friendly Space for boys and girls (5-17 years);
  • Group counseling sessions with foster parents/caregivers;
  • Support Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR) of separated and unaccompanied children through referral and case management;
  • Placement of children affected by protection risk (Unaccompanied and Separated Children - UASC) into appropriate community-based alternative care;
  • Targeted Individual Assistance: Emergency Case Management Fund to provide immediate assistance to high priority cases (e.g. children in need of emergency health assistance, including Sexual and Gender Based Violence - SGBV, legal representation);
  • Access to justice/ Referrals/ Civil Documentation;
  • Protection mainstreaming (training and support for Action Plans).

COOPI is going to provide Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) intervention to meet multiple needs at the household level which will support WASH, Health, Food, and Nutrition. Particular attention will be given to the people who are newly displaced and those who are in the IDP camps. MPCA will also help to bridge the gap and reduce exposure to high-risk behaviors. Priority will be given to targeting lactating mothers, persons with disabilities, and female-headed households with malnourished children using the random sampling method. Cash disbursement will be done monthly using microfinance banks via smart cards/ATMs. Activities under this project include:

  • Community entry activities and working with local government and key actors in targeting and verification;
  • Rapid market assessment to provide a snapshot of how key markets operate, to support an initial decision on the feasibility of response options (cash vs. in-kind, initial market support) based on market functionality, access to the market, and any potential risk that may impact effectiveness of the modality during implementation.
  • Training of Community-Based Targeting Committee (CBTC) on identification, profiling, and registration of Poor and Vulnerable Households (PVHH) within the IDP camps and host communities.
  • Contracting the Multipurpose cash transfer delivery service provider;
  • Provision of multipurpose cash to conflict-affected IDPs.
  • Market price monitoring;
  • Post Distribution Monitoring.




Find out where we operate in Nigeria

COOPI development lines in Nigeria

COOPI main areas of intervention in Nigeria in the near future will be:

Improved humanitarian interventions.

  • Response to humanitarian emergencies resulting from conflict, natural hazards, disease outbreaks and other forms of vulnerabilities:
  • Ensure timely and adequate response to Food Security needs for crisis affected populations;
  • Improved access to Nutrition Security for crisis affected populations and vulnerable communities;
  • Improved access to WASH in Emergency for crisis affected and vulnerable populations;
  • Improved Child Protection and access to Education in Emergency for crisis affected populations.

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development:

  • Improved Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction leading to better preparedness and effective early response and management of natural phenomena;
  • Improved Social Protection for vulnerable households;
  • Improved sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable households in target communities;
  • Improved policies, systems, programmes and governance capacity for sustainable development planning, management and monitoring at all levels.


  • Improved knowledge of protection issues and challenges through regular protection assessments, analysis and action planning;
  • Establishment/Strengthening of support systems, services, structures and assistance for protection support to vulnerable people;
  • Development of an environment of safety, security and respect for human rights by implementing prevention and response mechanisms for protection safeguarding of vulnerable people including children and women.

Cross Cutting Issues:

  • Implementation of a Nexus multisectoral approach integrating humanitarian and resilience programmes mainstreaming cross cutting issues (gender, protection, disability, inclusion, Accountability to Affected Populations - AAP, environment and Do No Harm) at all levels.

COOPI activities in Nigeria are currently funded by:

nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione

Cash Working Group • Child Protection • Food Safety • Nutrition • WASH • Working Group on Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence • Early Recovery and Livelihood

Ministry of Women's Affairs and Social Development (MWASD) • Yobe State Government • Yobe State Emergency Management Authority (SEMA) • Ministry of youth and Sport • Ministry of Commerce and Industry • Ministry of Water resources • Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) • Ministry of Agriculture

AFRYDEV • Jirah Doo Foundation

Christian Aid Ireland • International Rescue Committee


Vouchers against hunger

In Northeastern Nigeria the humanitarian emergency is getting worse as a result of the increasingly intense conflict between government forces and the armed...

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After a Boko Haram attack

The picture above displays Abubakar Ali with one of our aid worker, a few days after having joined our program of “Immediate humanitarian assistance to...

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Nigeria: escaping the war

COOPI and ECHO projects for children and refugees stricken by Boko Haram. In the north of Nigeria and along the borders of Niger, Chad and...

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Contact :

COOPI - NIGERIA Mab Global Estate, casa 127, Diamond Street, Karsana Gwarimpa, Abuja