COOPI presence in the DRC
Present in the field since 1977, COOPI has a deep knowledge of the country where it has long carried out activities to protect, prevent and combat malnutrition, and promote food security.
In DRC COOPI has always paid special attention to women and children survivors of gender-based violence, forced recruitment, and other human rights violations, offering psycho-social support services and free health care, promoting prevention and protection projects, and encouraging educational and professional reintegration.
COOPI in DRC today

In the DRC, COOPI primarily conducts activities to combat malnutrition by carrying out prevention, treatment and nutritional support for thousands of malnourished children and mothers.
Another relevant area of activity is the protection of children, often unaccompanied minors formerly associated with armed groups, and women survivors of gender-based violence. In this area, COOPI provides thousands of children and women each year with cross-cutting assistance aimed at overcoming severe trauma and improving the quality of life of the victims through psycho-physical care, socio-economic reintegration, and educational reintegration.
Another relevant activity carried out in the country concerns the promotion of food security with the provision of food and seeds, training of farmers, and, more recently, the simultaneous promotion of environmental protection with sustainable natural resource management interventions in large protected areas.
In DRC COOPI also carries out activities to promote access to water with the rehabilitation of wells and latrines and promotes good hygiene practices.