Where We Work


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Since 2019, COOPI has reactivated a stable presence in Venezuela, working through a regional approach to the crisis involving several countries in Latin America.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Protection Health Food Security Economic development
4 projects
25% development
75% emergency

direct beneficiaries


Expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction  Migration Protection Health Food Security Economic development
14 projects
14% development
86% emergency

direct beneficiaries


For several years, Venezuela has been experiencing an unprecedented complex crisis with major economic, political and social repercussions, leading to the largest exodus in modern Latin American history. So much so that, to date, more than 7 million people – 24% of the population - have left the country, while more than 65% of the remaining families live in multidimensional poverty, with limited access to food, education, public services, income and employment.

Since 2018, COOPI has started in the near countries the first programmes to assist migratory flows from Venezuela. The organization - that had already been active in the country - since 2019, has activated a stable presence in Venezuela, by integrating a regional approach to the crisis involving several countries in Latin America.

In collaboration with local organisations in Venezuela, COOPI has implemented, and still does, protection and prevention programmes to assist victims of sexual and/or gender-based violence, victims of trafficking or smuggling and minors. These programmes have been integrated with activities on sexual and reproductive health, giving access to water and energy in clinics or community centres, and to income-generating activities.

COOPI in Venezuela today 

Drawing upon decades of experience in complex crisis situations, while integrating a multi-sectoral approach, COOPI is responding to the ongoing severe humanitarian crisis in Venezuela with targeted interventions in Protection - including GBV and Human Trafficking Persons), Health, WASH and Livelihoods.

In Venezuela, COOPI promotes and strengthens the resilience of local communities, combining humanitarian response, rehabilitation and development. Community engagement, technical assistance and strengthening of national organisations and local communities is what characterizes COOPI approach, which aims at localising the humanitarian response to facilitate access and make interventions more sustainable.

Main sectors of intervention today

The emergency context resulting from the socio-economic crisis of recent years has exacerbated inequalities and gender-based violence has increased, as have cases of human trafficking, especially against women, minors and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Moreover, the progressive weakening of the state and public health protection system has put a strain on the prevention and protection measures associated with these two phenomena.

In Venezuela, COOPI promotes Protection activities on multiple levels:

  • awareness-raising campaigns on gender-based violence and for victims of trafficking by sharing measures on prevention, reporting, legal and psychosocial assistance;
  • direct care and assistance to migrants, victims of violence, exploitation, and abuse;
  • enhancement of 'safe spaces' and access to case management services for victims of gender-based violence and/or cases of trafficking and smuggling, in conditions of severe vulnerability;
  • capacity-building of institutions officials and civil society organisations to promote protection activities against sexual violence, gender-based violence, trafficking and smuggling of persons;
  • psychosocial support to children, caregivers and workers in situations of violence against children;
  • vocational training and support for cooperatives of women survivors of violence in the collection and processing of solid waste, promoting circular economy initiatives.




The progressive weakening of the state and public health protection system has put a strain on prevention and response measures associated with the phenomena of sexual and gender-based violence, trafficking and smuggling, as well as access to sexual and reproductive health services.

In correlation with Protection interventions, COOPI promotes sexual and reproductive health protection activities, including:

  • community awareness campaigns for adolescents and women of reproductive age;
  • family planning, specialist consultations and placement of contraceptive methods;
  • gynaecological consultations, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, medical treatment, cytological examination, antenatal care;
  • rehabilitation and equipping of health centres and clinics - including mobile ones - in urban and remote areas for the provision of the above mentioned services.




COOPI promotes fair and more widespread access to water and contributes to the dissemination of good hygiene practices by working at community level and intervening on several levels:

  • rehabilitation of community infrastructures and water systems to equip mainly clinics, health and protection centres with access to clean water and adequate sanitation. For these interventions COOPI adopts the WASH Fit / WASH Sis Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool methodology;
  • training to good hygiene practices and distribution of hygiene kits in remote areas;
  • preventive measures against the spread of Covid-19.




Find out where we operate in Venezuela

COOPI development lines in Venezuela

COOPI main areas of intervention in Venezuela in the near future will be:

  • Protection, emergency response, ·by consolidating ongoing interventions, such as case management, legal and psychosocial assistance, and strengthening casas de paso, temporary accommodation, for victims of gender-based violence, or trafficking and smuggling, especially in border areas, like Trinidad y Tobago, Colombia, Brazil and Guyana;
  • Promotion and implementation of sexual and reproductive health activities;
  • Rehabilitation and equipping of health and protection clinics and community centres to ensure access to water, energy and adequate sanitation;
  • Distribution of hygiene kits, primarily in vulnerable and remote areas and raising awareness campaigns to prevent the spread of infectious diseases;
  • Vocational training courses to promote alternative livelihoods, including circular economy initiatives.

In the upcoming years, COOPI also aims to strengthen the socio-economic recovery of vulnerable groups, to give them access to alternative employment and break out of the cycle of violence.



COOPI activities in Venezuela are currently funded by

nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione

Logistics • Protection • Health (Sexual and Reproductive Health) • WASH


Asociación Civil Tinta Violeta • PLAFAM

Acted • Cesvi • Première Urgence Internationale • Solidarité Internationale Francia


Contact :

COOPI - VENEZUELA Av. Andrés Bello, entre 3a y 4a transversal, Ed. Los Palos Grandes, Chacao, Miranda, Caracas