Where We Work


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Since 1976, COOPI has been working in Chad, a country deeply marked by continuous migration, the presence of armed groups, and climate change, all of which expose the population to acute vulnerability, particularly in terms of nutritional and food insecurity.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Education in Emergency Training Governance and human rights Protection Food Security  Nutrition Security
10 projects
50% development
50% emergency

direct beneficiaries


Expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Training Governance and human rights Protection Health Food Security  Nutrition Security Economic development
142 projects
47% development
53% emergency

direct beneficiaries

COOPI presence in the country 

In the country, COOPI intervenes with a multi-sectoral approach. In the Lac and N'Djamena regions, it provides emergency education for internally displaced children and local communities, offers psychosocial support to victims of trauma, and promotes peace building, with a particular focus on women's empowerment, gender-based violence and discrimination, and conflict prevention.

In the Ouaddai, Sila, and Salamat regions, COOPI has developed projects on agro pastoralism, particularly with regard to conflict prevention and management between farmers and pastoralists and participatory management of agro pastoral resources.

Since May 2023 in response to the Sudanese crisis, COOPI has been working in Sila alongside refugees with projects in the areas of child protection and WASH.

COOPI in Chad today

In Chad, COOPI implements humanitarian response activities through a multi-sectoral approach, with a focus on the involvement of women and children. In fact, COOPI works on:

  • Child protection through the construction of safe spaces for play, psychological support and socialization, family reunification for unaccompanied or separated children, sensitizations against recruitment into armed groups, and peaceful cohabitation;
  • The education of children and youth through the support of formal, informal and literacy schools;
  • The sustainable management of agro-pastoral resources;
  • Women's empowerment and conflict prevention.

Main sectors of intervention today

COOPI promotes education in emergency situations in Chad by implementing both "infrastructure" and support and training interventions. Specifically:

  • Construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructure with semi-permanent materials;
  • construction of temporary "light" structures where fixed structures cannot be provided;
  • equipping classrooms and providing school supplies;
  • psychosocial support;
  • teacher training;
  • support for parents' associations in supporting schools;
  • non-formal education and literacy classes.




Protection activities are a constant component of COOPI's projects in Chad, with a particular focus on women and children.

Protection problems are not the only ones that generate impacts on the physical, cognitive, and socio-affective development of children. Basic rights such as education and health are not guaranteed by the state, weakened by lack of resources and the presence of armed groups.

Therefore, COOPI is on the front line in Chad to respond to this emergency through:

  • improvement of and access to quality and inclusive protective services for school-age and vulnerable children and adolescents;
  • capacity building of communities in terms of psychosocial, socio-economic and educational reintegration;
  • monitoring of street children and unaccompanied minors;
  • strengthening governance and integrated coordination between local authorities, health professionals and teachers;
  • awareness raising and activities to prevent violations of children's rights.




Find out where we operate in Chad

COOPI development lines in Chad 

COOPI's priority areas of intervention in the near future in Chad will be:

  • child protection by strengthening through mental health promotion and psychosocial support to displaced persons, refugees and host populations, especially as a complement to emergency education activities;
  • education (in emergency or development situations) by building and rehabilitating school infrastructure, training teachers and decentralized services, raising community awareness, supporting vocational training, strengthening parent associations and management committees;
  • agro pastoralism and management of natural resources: strengthening and support of local authorities in the establishment and implementation of conventions, implementation of hydraulic and pastoral works and establishment of management committees, participatory management of agropastoral resources in peripheral areas of protected areas or areas highly exposed to the effects of climate change (desertification);
  • promotion of peace, combating and preventing violence and gender discrimination, empowerment of women.

COOPI activities in Chad are currently funded by:

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Education - Protection

Délégation provinciale de l'action sociale, Bol • Délégation provinciale à l'Enseignement et à la Jeunesse (DPEJ) • DSP Délégation sanitaire • Gouvernorat, préfecture et autorités locales dans les provinces compétentes (LAC, OUADDAI, SILA, SALAMAT et NDJAMENA) • MEN Ministère de l'Éducation nationale • Ministère de l'élevage et production animales et toutes les structures décentralisées compétentes • Ministère du Genre et de la Solidarité Nationale • Sous-direction de protection de l'enfance

ACORD Tchad • Association pour la Protection, Solution aux Orphelins Abandonnés et Vulnérables (APSOA) • Cellule de Liaison et d'Information des Associations Féminines CELIAF • Croce Rossa Ciad • Humanity & Inclusion Francia • Initiative Développement des Projets Solidaires (ID) • OHDEL • PADIESE



Chad. African Child's Day

On 16 June, COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale in Chad celebrated the 32nd Day of the African Child, as part of the EU-funded project 'Prevention and...

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In mourning for Merlin Mbouyo

With immense sorrow, we announce the sudden death of our colleague Merlin Mbouyo, COOPI Field Coordinator in the Lake region, in Chad. Merlin, who was 36 years...

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More livelihood in Lake Chad

The Lake Chad Region, on the border between Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon, is the scene of one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. The Region host...

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Small ruminant fairs in Chad

Since March 2017, COOPI has been running an integrated emergency plan to improve the food security of vulnerable people in the region of Lake Chad. The project...

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Tools to defeat malnutrition

In Chad COOPI and the European Union are carrying on the fight for alimentary security. It is going on, day by day, the battle against malnutrition that...

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Contact :

COOPI - TCHAD Quartier Hille Rogue; 2eme arrondissement rue 3275 porte 194 BP 1900 Ndjamena