Where We Work


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In 1967 COOPI began operating in Ecuador, gaining a long and significant experience and knowledge of the country and its different territorial realities.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation  Migration Protection Economic development
7 projects
14% development
86% emergency

direct beneficiaries


expat workers


Local workers

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Training Governance and human rights  Migration Protection Health Food Security Economic development
73 projects
55% development
45% emergency


COOPI presence in Ecuador

In 1967 COOPI began operating in Ecuador, gaining a long and significant experience and knowledge of the country and its different territorial realities, adapting its actions over time to developments in the vulnerabilities of the most disadvantaged population, which have enabled it to become a reference point and a strategic partner for local authorities and the many civil society organizations with which it systematically collaborates in the implementation of projects.

Since the 1990s, the Organization has intervened with emergency projects in the area of risk reduction due to environmental disasters through assistance to communities affected by volcanic eruptions, landslides, and floods, collaborating with institutions, research organizations, and civil society to strengthen local capacities to prepare for and respond to these types of events, as in the case of the devastating earthquake that struck communities in the provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas in 2016.

In parallel, COOPI has developed programs to support Afro-Ecuadorian artisans and women; to which are added, since 2006, projects in the area of migration to support the integration of the Colombian migrant population in the northern border area.

COOPI in Ecuador today

In recent years, several Latin American and Caribbean countries where COOPI operates have been facing a humanitarian crisis that has generated more than 6 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants.

Ecuador-considered the third largest receiving country-has become one of the main destination countries for migratory flows from Venezuela: between 2015 and 2023, more than 500,000 Venezuelans decided to settle in Ecuador as refugees or migrants.

Beginning in 2020, as part of the regional response to the Venezuelan crisis, COOPI-along with its partners-is intervening in the country with a multisectoral and integral approach in areas such as habitability, in the provinces of El Oro and Guayas; protection of children and adolescents; and access to water and sanitation (WASH) in the provinces of El Oro, Manabí, Esmeraldas, Carchi, Imbabura, and Sucumbíos; livelihood generation and socio-economic integration in the provinces of El Oro, Guayas, Manabí, and Pichincha; promotion of popular and solidarity economy, in the provinces of El Oro, Loja, Carchi, and Sucumbíos; and prevention of gender-based violence across the various projects implemented.

COOPI-promoted interventions in the country benefit the population on the move and host communities, with a special focus on the most vulnerable, such as children, women, LGBTQI+ communities, refugees, and migrants.

In addition, COOPI is a member of the regional coordination platform R4V ("Plataforma Regional de Coordinación Interagencial para Refugiados y Migrantes") joined by more than 200 international NGOs in order to create an effective and coordinated network of response to the Venezuelan crisis.

Main sectors of intervention today

As part of its management of the Venezuelan crisis, COOPI aims to improve the well-being of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Ecuador while strengthening their integration into host communities. Specifically, COOPI promotes:

  • The activation of rapid response mechanisms for the needs of "populations on the move."
  • The setting up of temporary shelters;
  • Training pathways in soft skills, technical skills and aimed at entrepreneurship and employability;
  • The start-up of small income-generating activities by providing initial capital and basic services;
  • The dissemination of gender mainstreaming strategies to ensure women's empowerment and the inclusion of survivors of gender-based violence in the labor market;
  • Comprehensive protection systems for girls/boys, adolescents, and their families in a humanely mobile condition;
  • Access to WASH services, through delivery of NFI baby hygiene kits and gender kits;
  • Promotion of socio-cultural integration through Theatre of the Oppressed and circus activities.




As part of its management of the Venezuelan crisis, COOPI aims to improve the well-being of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Ecuador while strengthening their integration into host communities. Specifically, COOPI promotes:

  • The activation of rapid response mechanisms for the needs of "populations on the move."
  • The setting up of temporary shelters;
  • Training pathways in soft skills, technical skills and aimed at entrepreneurship and employability;
  • The start-up of small income-generating activities by providing initial capital and basic services;
  • The dissemination of gender mainstreaming strategies to ensure women's empowerment and the inclusion of survivors of gender-based violence in the labor market;
  • Comprehensive protection systems for girls/boys, adolescents, and their families in a humanely mobile condition;
  • Access to WASH services, through delivery of NFI baby hygiene kits and gender kits;
  • Promotion of socio-cultural integration through Theatre of the Oppressed and circus activities.




Find out where we operate in Ecuador

Future developments of COOPI in Ecuador 

COOPI's priority areas of intervention in the near future in Ecuador will remain:

  • Migration and Protection, focusing on the prevention of gender-based violence, assistance to migrants, migration regularization, and support for local protection systems targeting migrants, children, women, and LGBTIQ+ communities;
  • Socio-economic Integration, promoting entrepreneurial training pathways culminating in the delivery of seed capital to develop skills necessary for the creation of sustainable livelihoods over time for the migrant, refugee and host population.

COOPI activities in ecuador are currently funded by:

nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione

Protection Working Group and Child Protection and Gender Violence Subgroup - Socioeconomic Integration Working Group - Humanitarian Aid - Protection - Migration - Shelter/Habitability

Association of Municipalities of Ecuador - Council of Provincial Governments of Ecuador - National Council for Gender Equality - National Council for Intergenerational Equality - National Council for Human Mobility Equality - CONAFIPS- National Corporation for Popular and Solidarity Finance - MIES - Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion - Ministry of Education - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility - Ministry of Health - National Risk Management Service

grupo FARO (conformación de observatorios de cumplimiento de derechos de la población en movilidad humana)



Contact :

COOPI - ECUADOR Edificio Cosmopolitan Parc, Oficina 305, Quito