Where We Work

Central African Republic

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COOPI has been continuously present in the Central African Republic since 1974 and has remained in the country even during the most difficult times, building strong ties with local communities year after year.

Our results in the country

Areas of intervention :
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Education in Emergency Governance and human rights Protection Health Food Security
14 projects
21% development
79% emergency



international operators


local operators

Areas of intervention:
Areas of intervention:
Water and Sanitation Education in Emergency Training Governance and human rights  Migration Protection Health Food Security  Nutrition Security Economic development
245 projects
37% development
63% emergency


COOPI presence in the Central African Republic 

Initially, COOPI operated in the north of the country mainly by implementing integrated community development projects that could synergistically promote agricultural development, health and education.

In the mid-1980s, COOPI also began operating in the south of the country, notably in the prefectures of Lobaye and Ombella-Poko, as well as in Bangui. In the capital, COOPI carried out a number of projects to develop the informal economy and, in collaboration with the city's archbishopric, created the country's first assistance center for the disabled: the CRHAM Center.

Since the mid-1990s, as the country's social situation has worsened, COOPI has also taken steps to respond more effectively to humanitarian emergencies.

COOPI today in Central African Republic 

Today, COOPI in the Central African Republic implements both emergency and development projects, in cooperation with numerous institutions and organizations operating in the country, while encouraging the transition from emergency to the promotion of sustainable development wherever possible. At present, the sectors in which COOPI is involved in the Central African Republic are, above all, the promotion of Food Security, Protection and Education in emergency situations, support for displaced persons and refugees, and Water, Hygiene and Sanitation.

Main sectors of intervention today

COOPI has been promoting food security in CAR for almost forty years, since it began operating in the country in 1974. In this area, COOPI carries out integrated development programs on an ongoing basis:

  • food distribution;
  • start-up and relaunch of agro-pastoral activities;
  • improving storage capacity for agricultural and livestock equipment;
  • support for small entrepreneurs, returning migrants and young people at risk of migration.




COOPI has been promoting education in emergency situations in the CAR for more than 10 years, providing infrastructure, support and training:

  • construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructures using semi-permanent materials;
  • construction of "light" temporary structures in the absence of fixed structures;
  • equipping classrooms and supplying school materials;
  • psychosocial support;
  • training teachers and parents to become school educators.
2023 DATA




COOPI began carrying out protection activities in CAR in the 1990s, with a particular focus on children and women. The main protection activities carried out by COOPI in CAR are as follows:

  • prevention of sexual violence;
  • reintegration of women survivors of violence;
  • care and reintegration of unaccompanied minors and minors formerly associated with armed groups;
  • promotion of mental health through listening centers and psychological support at community and individual level;
  • construction of shelters and management of sites for displaced persons;
  • training in income-generating activities.
2023 DATA:




Find out where we operate in Central African Republic

Future developments of COOPI in Central African Republic

In the Central African Republic, COOPI's priority sectors of intervention in the near future will include activities such as :

  • child protection and care for victims of gender-based violence;
  • socio-economic reintegration of vulnerable groups ;
  • education in emergency situations ;
  • food security, with a focus on agricultural development interventions, as well as in emergency situations through direct food distribution and/or cash transfer mechanisms;
  • management of sites for displaced persons and refugees, as well as distribution of non-food items (NFI) in emergency situations;
  • nutrition, a sector in which activities will also be developed following completion of the WFP/UNICEF pilot project, by implementing the Simplified Protocol for Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition..

Environmental protection is also one of the sectors COOPI plans to develop in the coming years.


COOPI's projects in Central African Republic are currently funded by:

nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione
nome fondazione

Food Security Cluster - Protection Cluster: Sous-cluster Child Protection and Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) Working Group - Sous-cluster Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) - Education Cluster - Cash Cluster - Camp Coordination and Camp Manager (CCCM) Cluster - Solution Durable Working Group

Agence Centrafricaine de Développement Agricole (ACDA) • Agence National de Développement de l'Élevage (ANDE) • Agence Nationale de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement (ANEA) • Association Nationale des Eleveurs de Porc (ANEP) • Agence Nationale des Groupements des Aviculteurs de Centrafrique (ANGAC) • Conference Panafricaine Cooperative (CPC) • Fédération Nationale des Eleveurs Centrafricains (FNEC) • Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l’Élevage • Ministère de la Jeunesse etduSport• Ministèrede l'Economie,du Plan etde la Coopération Internationale


ACTED • OXFAM Intermón (Spain) • DRC • Concern Worldwide


CAR. Giving survivors a future

The treatment of diseases caused by rape, such as HIV-AIDS, the education of children affected by violence or traumatised, social security and the learning of...

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50km of trails to boost trade

In the south of the Lobaye Prefecture, in the southwest of the Central African Republic, it is almost impossible to go from one place to another. Neglected...

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Obo: when stories end well

Kenneth MBOLI is 16 years old, and a south Sudanese refugee who lives in the area of Obo. He benefits from the support that COOPI supplies through its project,...

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Contact :

COOPI - Repubblica Centrafricana Sica 1, Quartiere Sissongo, Bp 1335 - Bangui